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Zhisong Jeff HE
Pando: An R package to infer GRN given single-cell multiomic (RNA+ATAC) data, combining TFBS prediction and (regularized) linear regression model.
simspec: An R package to calculate Reference/Cluster Similarity Spectrum (RSS/CSS) representation of single-cell RNA-seq data
HiTSeq: A JAVA tool for RNA-seq read counting and intron-centric alternative splicing event construction
scApeX: The Shiny app visualizing the scRNA-seq/ATAC-seq data presented in the Kanton et al. 2019 Nature paper (human/chimp/macaque cerebral organoid and adult cortical layers)
External data used in "Identification and characterization of functional modules reflecting transcriptome transition during human neuron maturation"
Human Datasets
Bardy et al. 2016: Download from Google Drive
Close et al. 2017: Download from Google Drive
Darmanis et al. 2015: Download from Google Drive
Lake et al. 2016: Download from Google Drive​
Mouse Datasets
Chen et al. 2017: Download from Google Drive
Load the downloaded file in R. For each data set, the loaded list object contains three components:
fpkm: The FPKM table of genes in samples of the data set
info: The sample information table
fpkmStd: The table of standardized expression of selected marker genes for NMI models
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