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  • Pando: An R package to infer GRN given single-cell multiomic (RNA+ATAC) data, combining TFBS prediction and (regularized) linear regression model.
  • simspec: An R package to calculate Reference/Cluster Similarity Spectrum (RSS/CSS) representation of single-cell RNA-seq data
  • HiTSeq: A JAVA tool for RNA-seq read counting and intron-centric alternative splicing event construction
  • scApeXThe Shiny app visualizing the scRNA-seq/ATAC-seq data presented in the Kanton et al. 2019 Nature paper (human/chimp/macaque cerebral organoid and adult cortical layers)
External data used in "Identification and characterization of functional modules reflecting transcriptome transition during human neuron maturation"

Human Datasets

Mouse Datasets


Load the downloaded file in R. For each data set, the loaded list object contains three components:

  • fpkm: The FPKM table of genes in samples of the data set

  • info: The sample information table

  • fpkmStd: The  table of standardized expression of selected marker genes for NMI models


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